Tips for Taking Care of Your Eyes

Our eyes are precious and we need to ensure we look after them as best we can. After all, good eyesight helps us to see and admire the beauty around us. Here are 8 tips to help you take care of your eyes:

1.‘Feed’ your eyes

By this we mean eat very nutritious foods that will help maintain a good eye health. Nutrients like Vitamins C and E, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc help in preventing and control of eye diseases like macular degeneration, cataracts and Dry Eye Syndrome. You can find these nutrients in food like salmon, leafy greens, eggs, nuts, citrus fruits and legumes. We recommend trying to eat a healthy and balanced diet as a means of taking care of your eyes.

2. Get your eyes tested regularly

Doctors recommend that we have a comprehensive eye examination every two years. Some major eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy can show up without symptoms, but regular examinations can detect any risks and help prevent vision loss. Along with this, you should also go for regular physical examinations to check for diabetes and high blood pressure, especially if you have a family history of such diseases, as they affect the eyes.

3. Avoid looking at a computer or tablet screen for extended periods of time

These days, we spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen, whether it be for work or leisure. This can strain the eyes and cause headache, blurry vision and dry eyes. One rule of thumb to follow to prevent the computer from damaging your sight is the 20-20-20 rule. Simply rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.

4. Stop smoking

Optic nerve damage, macular degeneration and cataracts are developed or made worse when you smoke. To help save your eyes and your life, do not smoke.

5. Exercise regularly

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, studies have shown that regular exercise like walking can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by up to 70%.

6. Be alert to warning signs of change in your vision

If you start noticing signs like blurry vision, swelling, pain in the eye, or inability to read sizes of print you were reading comfortably before, then it’s time to see your doctor, as these could be pointers to a more serious eye health challenge that needs immediate attention.

7. Wear sunglasses and safety eyewear

Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays from the sun. This can help to prevent the development of cataracts. Also, if you work with airborne or hazardous material at home or at work, ensure you wear safety eyewear or goggles.

8. Get your 8 hours every night

Not having enough sleep causes eye fatigue which shows up with symptoms like pain in the neck, shoulders and back, blurred vision, red eyes, dryness or excessive tears, or light sensitivity. Make sure you sleep enough every night. Adults require about 7-8 of sleep every night.

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